Monday, January 22, 2018

Touch: Hair


"Because hairy skin is thinner, its more sensitive than smooth skin. One hair can be easily triggered: If something presses it or tugs at it, if it tip is touched, if the skin around it is pressed, the hair violates and sparks a nerve." - Diane Ackerman

 Artist Statement: (Man I am not sure what I am doing, so hoping I am doing this right) While reading this section, it made me think more about the pinching feeling that is created when a hair is pulled on me. That fiery sensation for a split second, and then it is gone. It reminded me why I am so cautious and, almost afraid in a way when it comes to getting my hair cut or waxed. I remember for the longest time I wouldn't get my eyebrows wax because I knew there would be that stinging feeling of hair being pulled off afterward when the waxy paper is ripped off my forehead. Even now when I get my hair cut, I always think about what if the stylist pulls on it too hard or catches the hair and its ripped off? However, I am fascinated by how something that is so small and appears so fragile can be quite painful when trying to be removed. It might be the hair trying to tell us that it does not want to leave our bodies.

Materials used: Prismacolor Markers, ink pens.

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